At AMS we often receive parents who would like children to start Nursery and so we created a transition area for those who may spend a maximum of 6 months before turning 3 years.

The toddler community meets the needs of children 30 months to 3 years of age, to assist the child during this special period of growth. It provides children of this age range with an opportunity to explore new relationships with friends and to interact with adults in a loving and nurturing environment. As part of their early Montessori experience, toddlers are introduced to age- appropriate Montessori materials and invited to make choices from a variety of activities that support their developmental interests and needs.

The curriculum for toddlers focuses on

Language Development

The development of receptive and expressive language

Cognitive Development

To learn to think

Emotional Development

To learn about themselves and their feelings

Social Development

To learn about others

Motor Development

The development of coordination


To develop the capacity to "do it by myself"

The children engage in spontaneous, pleasurable experiences that foster natural development. Activities are mostly open-ended; There are also closed activities such as puzzles and story time.

Children are free to choose which activities they want to participate in and are offered encouragement to try new experiences.

“At three years of age, the child has already laid the foundations of the human personality. The period from birth to three is that for forming the mind. With this in mind we figured that it was better to accept the children and assist their development."

~ Dr Maria Montessori